Return to Lac Rose

In mid-May the Jones’ and I headed back up to Lac Rose for two reasons 1) the homeschool group was taking a field trip and 2) we wanted to see it when it was actually pink.

Well, evidently it’s more complicated than “the water in Lac Rose is pink only from this month to this month.”  Nope.  The weather plays a part, as does the angle of the sunlight, and the time of day.  The lady at a lakeside restaurant said that 2 or 3 weeks can go by during the season without the water turning pink at all.  Luckily we got there just before the time of day that it is usually known for turning pink, so we did see the water turn colors.  But it was a murky pink.  So much for the pictures we all saw on Google where the water was a bright vibrant neon pink.  Yeah. Not so much.

But it was still a nice trip, and we hiked the mile or so through the sand dunes and played on the beach for a while.  The lake was a little disappointing, but at least now I can say that I’ve seen the famed Lac Rose when it was rosy!

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